
National Volunteer Week Member Spotlight: Howard Rosen

Howard Rosen

HIMSS is celebrating National Volunteer Week to recognize the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers. This week, HIMSS features Howard Rosen, former President of the HIMSS Ontario Chapter. 

Share a recent volunteer initiative led by your chapter that made an impact on your community.

We have been with ELF (Emerging Leaders Forum) in bringing them on and providing the infrastructure for their meetings, webinars etc as well as sponsoring their mentorship program, as well as involving their members as part of the Chapter activities training n leadership roles

How does your chapter motivate members to volunteer their time and expertise? How do you ensure their contributions are recognized and valued?

We have created a separate Committee whose sole function is to work with interested volunteers to ensure they are placed in committees/activities that suits their interests and goals. Similarly, we have also taken a project oriented approach with volunteers so they don't have to commit 12 months to one away but perhaps works on projects in different areas.

How does your chapter support members with professional development and skill-building?

As noted, we are working with emerging leaders and existing members in providing opportunities on committees and/or projects such as our annual conference and to take leadership roles in sub-committees of interest

What are some upcoming opportunities or initiatives is your chapter excited about?

Our recent expansion of the chapter to encompass all of Eastern Canada has opened a number of opportunities for existing members and new members to be involved with new events such as having our AGM in another city.

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